Personality Test: Are You an Extrovert or an Introvert?

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The concept of introvert and extrovert was first coined by a Swiss psychiatrist named Carl Jung. The definition of an introvert is someone who can absorb energy when the person is alone and prefers calm. Meanwhile, extroverts are often defined as the life of the party. They are very interested in social interactions and take energy from that situation.

Do you want to know if you are an Introvert or Extrovert? Participate in this fun quiz till the end and find the answer!

Question 1.

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Are you more comfortable playing outside or in the house?

Question 2.

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If you want to talk with your friends, are you going to call them right away or just texting them?
Answer questions in consecutive order

Question 3.

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If you really enjoy doing something, you will ...?
Answer questions in consecutive order

Question 4.

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Do you think having competition is important? And do you love to compete?
Answer questions in consecutive order

Question 5.

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What do you think the best way to celebrate your birthday?
Answer questions in consecutive order

Question 6.

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Do you love being in a crowd? And what do you feel when you are in a crowd?
Answer questions in consecutive order

Question 7.

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What do you do when you meet a stranger who asks you to be acquainted?
Answer questions in consecutive order

Question 8.

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What do you do if you have a crush or like someone so bad?
Answer questions in consecutive order

Question 9.

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What do you think about your first date? Did you ever feel awkward?
Answer questions in consecutive order

Question 10.

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Between reading a novel in the park or hanging out in a cafe, which activity do you find more fun?
Answer questions in consecutive order
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Photo: Canva  
Do You Know The Name of These Spices?
Spices are the aromatic and robust flavor of the plant. Spices are widely used as traditional medicinal products, beauty products, pharmaceuticals, seasonings, perfumes, essential oils, and many more.

In this quiz, you are asked to guess several spices from various countries often used as cooking ingredients.
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Photo: Canva  
Color-blind Test!
A color-blind test is a test that is performed to detect color blindness, which is a condition that causes the quality of color vision to be impaired. In this condition, you will find it difficult to distinguish specific colors or colors as a whole.

Well, this quiz can determine whether your eye condition is normal or you have color blindness. Good luck!
