Do You Know The Name of These Spices?

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Spices are the aromatic and robust flavor of the plant. Spices are widely used as traditional medicinal products, beauty products, pharmaceuticals, seasonings, perfumes, essential oils, and many more.

In this quiz, you are asked to guess several spices from various countries often used as cooking ingredients.

Do you know what this spice is called?

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Photo: Canva
This spice is often used to add flavor to cakes and ice cream.

How about this one?

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This spice has recently been widely used as a mixture of beauty products.
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Do you know the name of this spice?

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Photo: Canva
This spice is often found as a cake topping and a mixture of cooking ingredients.
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How about this spice?

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Photo: Canva
This spice is found in many types of Indian cuisine.
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Do you know what this spice is called?

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Photo: Canva
This spice has been widely cultivated in Southeast Asia but originally came from Indonesia. Usually used as a cooking ingredient and the main ingredient of cigarettes.
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Another spice to guess...

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Photo: Canva
Many famous and delicious dishes use this spice as its main ingredient.
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Can you guess the name of this spice correctly?

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Photo: Canva
This spice comes from Indonesia which is believed to have many benefits, such as preventing indigestion and strengthening your immune system.
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What's the name of this spice?

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Photo: Canva
This spice can give your cooking a natural yellow color. Usually, this spice will often be used for curry dishes.
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What about this spice?

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Photo: Canva
This spice is usually used as tea and cooking spices. It grows in Europe, North Africa, and Asia.
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What do people call this spice?

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Photo: Canva
The oil from this spice is well known and has been used for hundreds of years to flavor food. You'll also often find it as a bread topping.
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Anyone know what this spice is called?

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Photo: Canva
Usually, this spice is used in foodstuffs such as pizza and spaghetti. It is also extracted as an essential oil.
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How about this one?

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Photo: Canva
This spice is prevalent and easily found in Turkish, Greek, Portuguese, Spanish, Latin American, and Italian cuisines.
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Do you know the name of this spice?

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Photo: Canva
This spice is widely grown and is often used as a flavoring in Thai and Indonesian dishes.
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Another one...

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Photo: Canva
This spice is widely used as aromatherapy but is also often used as a flavoring in cooking.
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What the name of this spice?

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Photo: Canva
This spice is used as a source of oil and is widely used as a cooking spice.
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This one is easy to guess!

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Photo: Canva
You will often find this spice on the dining table in various restaurants.
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Any idea what this spice called?

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Photo: Canva
This spice is often used as a food ingredient because it has a distinctive aroma and taste and is an herbal plant with a very high antioxidant content.
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The picture makes it easier to guess!

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Photo: Canva
Chinese cuisine often and heavily uses this spice. If you are a Chinese food lover, you must be familiar with it.
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Another pepper to guess...

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Photo: Canva
When eating this spice, your tongue will feel a tingling effect and numbness due to the presence of hydroxy-alpha sanshool in it. The name of this spice comes from the area of ​​origin in one of the provinces in China.
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Last spice to guess!

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Photo: Canva
This spice comes from the eastern Mediterranean to eastern India and is often used in Indian cooking.
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Photo: Canva  
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Can You Identify These Pixelated Characters? - Beginner Level
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Photo Credit: Quizzzly  
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