Can You Identify These Pixelated Characters? - Beginner Level
It would be a lie to say cartoons were not part of our childhood.
Since the appearance of animated films over a century ago, animated films have been a part of many children's lives for many generations.
But can you recall every animated character that you watched when you were a kid? Down here, we have a challenge for you to guess these characters through pixelated pictures. Can you guess who these characters are?
Question 1
Whenever you need help, just make sure there is a can of spinach ready!
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Do you know that in 2004, the Empire State Building was lit up in spinach green in honor of Popeye's 75th birthday?
Question 2
I could just sit all day long watching his stupidity in the movie!
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Question 3
I'm an easy-going and friendly dog, and I have a human best friend named Shaggy!
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Do you know that the Snoop Doo and Scrappy-Doo episode was nearly canceled by ABC because the Scarbbu-Doo character was thought to be a bad influence on kids?
Question 4
I mostly walk around with my signature blue beret and scream "Aw, Phooey!"...
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Do you know Walt Disney was inspired to create this character when he heard Clarence Charles Nash's duck voice?
Question 5
I hope you still remember me swinging around the jungle...
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FUN FACT! Marsupilami is a comic book character and fictional animal species created by André Franquin. Its first appearance was in the 31 January 1952 issue of the Franco-Belgian comics magazine Spirou. Since then it appeared regularly in the popular Belgian comics series Spirou & Fantasio, as a pet of the main characters, until Franquin stopped working on the series; the character's final appearance in the series during Franquin's lifetime was in 1970.
Question 6
I'm pretty much a very relaxed and passive bunny and I like to take my carrots with me. Can you guess who I am?
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FUN FACT! Bugs Bunny is a rabbit, not a hare.
Question 7
I can not tolerate swiper, I like adventures, and you are here to help me find clues!
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FUN FACT! Do you know every episode of Dora the Explorer is screened by at least 75 preschoolers before it airs?
Question 8
We are a team, we help each other, we help others together. Guess who?
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FUN FACT!? THEY WERE ORIGINALLY KNOWN AS 'THE WHOOP-ASS GIRLS. ' Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup got their start on a McCracken student film at CalArts called Whoopass Stew.
Question 9
Where is my son? Don't you ever dare to bother him!
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FUN FACT! After Dog Trouble, Spike appeared as a solo guest in Tom and Jerry cartoons for the next several years; his son Tyke was introduced in 1949, with Love That Pup.
Question 10
Shut up, brain! I've got friends now. I don't need you anymore. Who am I?
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FUN FACT! The characters' distinctive yellow hue was chosen in part to make the show stand out when someone was flipping through TV channels for something to watch.
Question 11
If you like action, adventure, and advanced technology, you must know me.
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FUN FACT! Do you know Ben 10's full name is Benjamin Kirby Tennyson? His middle name was inspired by the Marvel's comic book writer Jack Kirby
Question 12
I might too old for you, but I was a superstar back then!
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FUN FACT! Felix is the world’s 1st cartoon superstar! Over 100 silent, black & white Felix cartoon episodes are produced during the 1920s' & 1930s’, playing in movie theatres all over the world.
Question 13
I like running, I like to make trouble, and I like to tease my friends.
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FUN FACT! Tom and Jerry were originally named Jasper and Jinx.
Question 14
Miska... Muska... Let's join the clubhouse and play along with me!
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Did you know? Mickey has different names around the world. For example, he is known as Musse Pigg in Sweden, Mi Lao Shu in China and Topolino in Italy.
Question 15
I am wearing a hood and living in the jungle. I'm adventurous and love cooking. Who am I?
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Did you know? Masha was based on a real person. In the 1990s, the project's artistic director, Oleg Kuzovkov, was on holiday when he saw a little girl on the beach. The child was so genuine and open that she could easily walk up to a stranger and play chess with him or pick up his flippers and go swimming.
Question 16
I'm a self-centered and greedy duck. I'm very sensitive and have an explosive temperament. Can you guess who I am?
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FUN FACT! Daffy Duck is the third most featured Loony Toones character. And, nope, the first one is not Bugs Bunny, but Porky Pig!
Question 17
Hey you guys! Did you watch my show? Do you know me?
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Do you know the evil and hilarious character of Eric Cartman was actually based on Trey Parker's high school classmate?
Question 18
I can run fast and I am smart! I'm an animal but living in a human's house.
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FUN FACT! In early episodes, Tom moved on all four legs like a normal cat, but later started walking on two legs!
Question 19
Bring me the rabbit, dead or alive! (but I prefer dead)
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Elmer Fudd speaks in an unusual way, replacing his Rs and Ls with Ws, so he often refers to Bugs Bunny as a "scwewy" or "wascawwy (rascally) wabbit".
Question 20
I'm a well-known dog character, and I believe people would guess me easily if I was not pixelated.
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Do you know there is actually a Snoopy Museum in Tokyo, Japan??
By showing a full-face image, everyone must easily recognize these celebrities. But how about cropped pictures? Can you guess these familiar celebrities below with only part of their facial features?
If you think you are really updated with the latest Hollywood news, gossip, and celebrity updates, why not join this quiz and let's see how well you know Hollywood's world.
A psychopath usually cannot be in harmonious relationships with other people and is prone to violence. In fact, every human being has this psychopathic spirit; it's just that the number and dose of each individual are different.
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