We Can Guess Your Age Just Based on These 10 Questions?

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Photo Credit: Canva
Do you realize that your age has a significant impact on your habits and preferences? This might sound strange but surprisingly we can guess your age and based on these systematic questions.

We know it might sound a little presumptive but let's give it a try and find out if our guess about you is right...

Question 1

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Photo Credit: Canva
Task and responsibilities determine what time you need to get up everyday.

So, what time do you typically get up?

Question 2

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Photo Credit: Canva
Which one would you prefer: a small group of close friends or a big number of friends?
Answer questions in consecutive order

Question 3

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Photo Credit: Canva
Which kind of reputation would you like to have: successful, funny, smart, or attractive?
Answer questions in consecutive order

Question 4

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Photo Credit: Canva
Would you prefer to have a demanding job that pays well or a fulfilling job that doesn't pay really well?
Answer questions in consecutive order

Question 5 

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Photo Credit: Canva
In this era of technology, everyone uses their phone to connect with people through social media like Facebook.

So, when was the last time you use Facebook?
Answer questions in consecutive order

Question 6

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Photo Credit: Canva
Have you purchased a laundry detergent in the last couple of months?
Answer questions in consecutive order

Question 7

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Photo Credit: Coffee
What we drink every day helps to determine our age.

So, what's your favorite drink?
Answer questions in consecutive order

Question 8

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Photo Credit: Coffee
Which one would you prefer to have in your bedroom?
Answer questions in consecutive order

Question 9

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Photo Credit: Coffee
Each age group has its own preference when it comes to social media.

So, which one of these apps do you use the most?
Answer questions in consecutive order

Question 10

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Photo Credit: Coffee
Everyone has their dream house.

So, what kind of house would you like to live in?
Answer questions in consecutive order
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Photo Credit: Quizzzly  
Dress Yourself From Head to Toe and We Will Guess Your Personality
The way you behave at the party describes pretty much your personality in daily life. We mostly think parties are filled with extrovert individuals who need their daily dose of social interactions during the weekend. But, If you are aware enough you can also spot some introverts wandering around at some parties.

Aside from judging on how people behave at the party, do you believe we can guess what type of personalities are you based on how you dress up at the party? Join this quiz today to find out...
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Photo Credit: Canva  
If You Think You Are Smarter Than Kids In 4th Grade, You Should Pass This Test
The majority of adults tend to underestimate little kids for their knowledge and intelligence, but are you even smart enough to beat them with these basic questions below?

Take this short quiz to prove to us you are smarter than the 4th graders, the questions should not be too hard for you if you are smart enough!
