Find Out If Your Friends Are Plastic

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Friendships can have a major impact on your health and well-being, but we must admit it's not always easy to build or maintain friendships. While some people might feel better being left alone without friends, studies have found that older adults with a rich social life are likely to live longer compared than others with fewer connections.

Join this quiz below and let's find out if your friendship is genuine or are surrounded by plastic friends right now?

Do Your Friends Make Plans Without You?

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Photo Credit: Canva
Have you caught your friends having fun without asking you out to join?

Do They Make You Feel Excluded?

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Photo Credit: Canva
Nobody likes the feeling of being left out by their friends and colleagues. Have you felt feeling isolated and lonely physically and emotionally when you are with your friends?
Answer questions in consecutive order

Do You feel Comfortable Talking About Your Feeling to Your Friend?

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Photo Credit: Canva
Talking about your real feelings can help a lot to stay in good mental health and deal with things when you feel troubled, and that's what friends are for! So, do you feel comfortable talking about your real feeling to your friends?
Answer questions in consecutive order

If You Have a Fight With Your Friends, What Do You Do?

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Photo Credit: Canva
Friends do not have to agree on everything we do or say. Sometimes, this difference might result in a conflict that can end up in a fight. If that ever happened, what would you guys likely do to handle it?
Answer questions in consecutive order

What Would You Do if Your Friends's Opinion Makes You Feel Uncomfortable?

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Photo Credit: Canva
Real friends are always there to support us emotionally and mentally, but sometimes there are some moments when they will give you genuine advice. What would you do if their advice or opinion towards something make you feel uncomfortable?
Answer questions in consecutive order

Are Your Friends Happy For You If Get Something That Makes You Happy?

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Photo Credit: Canva
Jealousy is really common to happen amongst friends, but a genuine friendship will never do that. So, what do your friends usually do or say when you received some wonderful news about your career? Do you think they will be as happy as you?
Answer questions in consecutive order

When You Feel Sad, Are They Always There to Cheer You Up?

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Photo Credit: Canva
Some studies have previously shown that good friends can make you happier because their happiness is contagious. But what happens when you are sad, will they be there to cheer you up and give a little bit of their happiness to you?
Answer questions in consecutive order

Have You Felt Lonely Around Them?

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Photo Credit: Canva
In some people, they can't manage the feeling of loneliness even when they are surrounded by friends. But this can be eased easily when you are surrounded by the right people. Have you felt lonely when you are with your friends?
Answer questions in consecutive order

Would Your Friend Take the Fall for Something You Guys Did Together?

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Photo Credit: Canva
A love from genuine friends is exceptional to their loved one, sometimes they will gladly take a fall for something their loved one did. Would your friend do that?
Answer questions in consecutive order

Do You Feel Like Your Friends Don’t Really Like You?

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Photo Credit: Canva
There are times when you feel excluded in social gatherings and think your friends probably do not like you anymore. Have you ever felt that way before?
Answer questions in consecutive order
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Photo: Canva  
QUIZ: Can You Guess The Country of These Popular Dishes?
Every country has its own distinct culture, language, and unique dish. But do you know centuries ago, nations would develop their own cuisine simply to distinguish themselves from their rivals??

Down below we have a challenge for you to guess the origins of these cuisines.

Can you really answer these questions? Let's find that out!
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Photo: Canva  
Do You Know Where These Junk Foods Originally From?
If you have been driving around your hometown recently, you have probably seen and noticed several fast food outlets such as McDonald's, KFC, and Pizza Hut. But apparently, people seem to be mistaken most of these foods are originally from the US, as most junk food franchise restaurants are based in the US.

But do you know it turns out to be untrue?

Take the quiz below to find out where all these junk foods come from!
